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Welcome to Youth Track and Field

March 2, 2025

Track parents-

Welcome to spring track.  The first thing to know is that our website is  The season calendar is posted on the website (first day is March 31) and not on TeamSnap. Also note that the message function in TeamSnap will not be monitored. All communications will be through TeamSnap email.

First, I want to thank everyone who has agreed to coach and to volunteer in non-coach roles. This program is not run by paid professionals but is 100% volunteer-driven. Every year, kids grow up, move on to the high school, and we lose valuable parent volunteers. In that vein, we are looking for two volunteers to take on this year’s uniform distribution task, which involves putting a T-shirt, singlet, bib number, and safety pins into a bag for each athlete. The program will give you all the materials, you can do it on your own time, and two people typically split the job. Please email me if you can help with this. Thanks! 

In the meantime, I need you to do two things now.  The first is to indicate your preference for your practice times on our Google Form (the link is on the website).  When you fill out the Google form, you will be prompted for a Code Word from this email:  ******* If you make a mistake or need to change your selection, just submit another entry and we will take the second entry.

Second, I need you to create a free account on so you can sign up for our Saturday morning meets.  

The explanation on how practice works and the different practice options are found on the Track Info. Sheet on the website.  So read that before filling out the Google Form. 

The instructions on how to create the account are also on the Track Info. Sheet on the website.  If you made an account last year for your child, there is no need to do it again. I will be honest in saying that is not that intuitive the first time you use it, but it is the most widely used website in the country for meet sign-ups and for the publishing of results, including by USA Track & Field. Everybody gets used to it--there's just a little short term pain for long term gain.

The website will be your main source of information, but we will also be having an optional Zoom informational session on March 18 at 7 pm.  This session is especially useful for those of you new to the program.  Because we are big believers in starting on time and ending on time, the Zoom meeting on March 18 will be a crisp 30 minutes or less.  The meeting will be recorded in case you are unable to attend.  The Zoom link is below.

Coach Alex

Alex J. Grant is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Youth Track Informational Session

Time: Mar 18, 2025 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 990 6536 8501

Passcode: 74820948


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Meeting ID: 990 6536 8501

Passcode: 74820948

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