The April 2 Workout is as follows:
Recall the groups:
Group 1 (born 2012-13)
Group 2 (born 2010-11)
Group 3 (born 2008-09)
Group 4 (born 2005-07)
Groups 1 & 2: Jog 1/2 mile.
Groups 3 & 4: Jog 1/2-3/4 mile.
Groups 1 & 2: Run 100m, 200m, 200m, 100m.
Groups 3 & 4: Run 100m, 200m, 200m, 200m, 100m.
For Group 3&4 Distance runners:
Run at easy pace 3-4 miles, with 4 x 100m pick-ups in the middle of the the run. Keep jogging after doing the pickups. Then do standing long jump and stretching.
Cool Down & Stretching.
All groups jog 1/2 mile and stretch for 5 to 10 minutes. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds, stretching far enough that your child can feel the stretch but it does not hurt. See video for more information about stretching.